Meals on Wheels
This service is available to people in the community who are unable, due to age, illness or
disability to cook their own meals, and is operated on voluntary basis.
Meals OnWheels
Meals on Wheels Drogheda service is available to people in the community who are unable, due to age, illness or
disability to cook their own meals, and is operated on voluntary basis.
Referral and access to MOW services is by
word of mouth, social workers, GP’s, hospitals and self–referral. Please check with your local public health nurse or
your local public health centre to see if your area is covered.
To find your local health centre, see
MOW service delivers hot meals on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of every week between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm.
As well as providing nourishing meals to mainly senior citizens, the Meals on Wheels provides a point of social
contact, helping people live more independent lives.
Price: €12 per week or €4 per meal

Get Involved
We need volunteers
We require occasional volunteers for fundraising events such as: flag days and our annual sleep out. If you would like to help out please contact us
- Flag days & fundraisers
- Our annual Drogheda Sleepout
- A range of other roles
If you are interested please contact us and we can discuss further